
What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a brand that provides clear aligner therapy which is an alternative to conventional braces. It is widely used for kids, teens, and adults

Is there a difference between Invisalign and other Aligner companies out in the market?

How there are a billion brands of a particular product like shampoo, a skin care appliance, or even cars for that matter there are a billion kinds of brands of Invisible Braces/ Clear Aligners in the market today. Like everything else, it definitely is confusing to pick the best brand for you.

Picking a Local Brand majorly depends on what your Dentist / Orthodontist practices.

The basic difference between INVISALIGN and other ALIGNER BRANDS

  • It is a DOCTOR-PLANNED TREATMENT and not delivered to your doorstep or sold online
  • Only a CERTIFIED INVISALIGN PROVIDER can deliver this treatment to you.
  • Invisalign is time tested with PROVEN CLINICAL STUDIES therefore it obviously works better ( the more clinical studies there are to support a particular product, the more we incline towards it because of results)
  • SmartTrack™ material – medical grade polyurethane plastic specifically made to move teeth 50% FASTER and with 75%
    PREDICTABILITY in movement. It provides uniform low-intensity movement which is safe and precise. ( Invisalign is the only brand that uses this material)
  • Real-time app-based system which also gives you reminders about changing your aligner sets on time and tracks your progress.
You might like to read: Which Toothbrush Should You Get?

But why is Invisalign’s Cost higher compared to the rest?

Now would you ask why there is a price difference between a high-end car like a Mercedes and a Maruthi?

Cost depends upon the material used to make a car, the comfort in it, and the technology that goes behind making it.

Likewise, for aligner brands as well as Cost changes with materials used, software used, the planning that goes into it, and most importantly the amount of correction, you need for a proper teeth alignment.

So how to decide to pick Invisalign over other brands?

  • Get yourself evaluated with us to check the amount of correction you need. Really simple changes are what you need, although accuracy is
    the best with Invisalign you can still consider opting for cheaper variants.
  • Get a Preliminary Scan with Invisalign costing ₹5000 (non-refundable) to see how many sets of aligners you may need to get the exact costing for your treatment
  • Most importantly clear aligners are a once-in-a-lifetime treatment that is irreversible so it is worth investing in your smile now for a
    lifetime result.
You might like to read: Why does it hurt when you eat an ice-cream/ anything sweet and what to do about it?


Tooth Docs – Hyderabad Visit our Dental Clinic at Kondapur and know more!


    Which Toothbrush Should You Get?

    Every time you visit a supermarket or a pharmacy and look at this colorful toothbrush section your hand automatically goes there to pick
    one that’s the brightest.

    Unfortunately, most people end up buying a toothbrush just about this way.

    But does buying a toothbrush really require a thought?

    Or can it just be something that catches your attention?

    Like the color or the shape of the toothbrush?

    Now, pat yourself on the back if you diligently follow a good dental health regimen like brushing twice a day, flossing, and also using mouthwash regularly but there are some who enthusiastically overdo this. Now add this to a poor design of your toothbrush, and an abrasive toothpaste it is going to eat away your Enamel ( which is supposed to be the strongest part of your body )

    This is how one of the oldest toothbrushes looked Show this to a 2023 Dentist, we would run away from there as it is a big no-no from us!

    So what exactly should you look for in a Tooth Brush ?

    Head size –  Medium to smaller size of the head so your brush is able to access all parts of your mouth

    Bristle design – bristles arranged in varying lengths, clean better, especially between the teeth and your gums.


    This is the only way to make sure you don’t wear away your teeth’ surface due to brushing.


    What can a bad toothbrush do to your teeth and gums?

    Wears away your tooth enamel exposing the second layer ( Dentin) which is the main cause of Sensitivity to Cold Food and Sweets. If you have ever had sensitivity without any cavities, your Tooth Brush is the culprit.

    Causes Gum Recession

    This again can lead to Tooth Brush Abrasions on your teeth leading to cavities, discomfort, and pain. All that ends in your tooth needing a Root Canal Treatment or Tooth Removal.

    Manual Tooth Brush or Electric Tooth Brush? Which is better

    Many long-term studies prove that people who use electric toothbrushes have healthier gums, less decay of teeth, and also keep their teeth for longer, compared with those who use a manual toothbrush.

    However, with the right brush, brushing technique, and toothpaste manual toothbrushes are just as effective.

    Those who really need an electric toothbrush

    • Young adults with several cavities, repeated gum infections
    • Older people with less dexterity to keep their teeth and gums clean
    • Children with developmental disorders
    • Those who have full mouth implants and Dental Crowns

    Are best benefited from Electric Tooth Brushes.

    So if you’re unsure of which toothbrush to use, suffering from unexplained teeth sensitivity or loss of gums get an appointment with us at Kondapur and we will help you out! 🙂


    Why does it hurt when you eat an ice-cream/ anything sweet and what to do about it?

    The tooth is made up of three layers – Enamel, Dentin, and Pulp.


    Enamel is the most complex structure in the human body. Around the teeth, it acts like a Shield protecting the other two layers.

    Dentin forms the bulk of tooth structure, tubular (like pipes) in internal structure, and carries fluids. This fluid moves in and around to external stimuli like hot cold food, dental fillings, and air.

    Pulp- is the innermost layer of the tooth. It is made of blood vessels that carry blood supply to the tooth.

    Pain that arises from Exposed Dentin (or the second layer of the tooth) when teeth come in contact with thermal (hot/cold food), touch stimulus or even air is Dentin Hypersensitivity/ tooth sensitivity.

    Why does the second layer of tooth or dentin get exposed?

    • Excessive and hard teeth brushing technique- wear away the first layer ( enamel, exposing dentin)
    • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and carbonated drinks ( chemical wear)
    • Use of abrasive tooth powders/ pastes
    • Loss of gum due to gum disease-exposing the root area of the tooth
    • Smokeless tobacco chewers
    • People with severe gastritis.

    How to CONTROL or ELIMINATE Dentin Hypersensitivity/ Teeth Sensitivity?

    2-4 weeks after at-home therapies, the degree of sensitivity would be re-investigated.

    If the pain still existed, the patient should start the next phase of the treatment at our Dental Clinic for the best possible outcome.


    Are You Afraid Of Root Canal Treatment? Let Us Help You Understand It Better

    Fear of Dental Procedures is very common. One common procedure people fear is root canal treatment. Reasons for root canal anxiety may stem from myths about pain or not knowing what will happen during the procedure. If you need a root canal, don’t let your fear get in the way.

    Root Canal Treatment Simplified

    Root Canal Treatment is a Restorative Procedure to save the tooth from being removed and to prolong its life. Root Canal, is in fact a part of the tooth which contains the tooth’s nerves, and blood vessels, also called the Pulp. This treatment focuses on removing the inflamed/infected pulp of the tooth, cleaning the canals in the root of the tooth, and filling it with an inert material.

    The procedure finally ends with placing a Dental crown/ cap to reinforce the remaining tooth structure.

    Steps for Root Canal Treatment

    Understanding the Tooth Anatomy

    The Tooth Is made up of three hard layers . Enamel- is the outermost layer of the tooth. It is the hardest structure in the human body Dentin- is more yellowish in appearance bulk of tooth structure is made up of this layer. Pulp- it is the innermost layer of the tooth. This is called pulp as it carries the blood vessels that supply nourishment to the tooth structure. This pulp lies within a canal space.

    When do you need a Root Canal Treatment?

    Usually, cavities start in the enamel of the tooth, but over months to years, it spreads to the deeper layers of the tooth.

    When tooth caries extend beyond the second layer of the tooth ( Dentin) into the pulp chamber, it becomes indispensable to get the root canal treatment done.
    So the procedure basically removes this pulp from the canal space, cleans the canal space, and to maintain the strength of the tooth, a filling material is placed inside in place of the pulp. That is the only option left to save the tooth.

    What are your symptoms that indicate a need for Root Canal Treatment?

    • Severe Tooth Pain
    • Lingering pain to hot/cold food that does not go away even after removing the stimulus
    • Pimple over your gums
    • Obvious swelling of the face
    • Trauma due to a hit/ a blow to the face.
    • A chipped or cracked tooth
    • Loose teeth
    • Unbearable Pain in the nighttime or laying down position

    Can you do it with medication instead of the procedure?


    Cavities cause irreversible damage to the tooth and the only way to save the teeth from extraction; in the early stages of Cavity formation is a filling and at later stages is a Root Canal Procedure.

    However, medication provides temporary relief ONLY and is not a final treatment option to solve the issue and prevent a recurrence.

    What happens during the procedure?

    • The tooth and surrounding area will be anesthetized locally to ensure your comfort during the procedure.
    • The infected tooth structure is removed with the help of a high-speed instrument.
    • The affected portion of the tooth is cleaned thoroughly.
    • Access is gained to the pulp
    • Fine instruments are used to gently remove the pulp
    • Canal Space is thoroughly cleaned with disinfectants and antibiotic pastes.
    • Canals without Pus discharge are filled in the same sitting and the procedure is completed.
    • Canals with pus discharge are given an antibiotic dressing and the root canal procedure is completed after three days or in the next sitting.
    • A temporary filling is given over the tooth surface.

    Stages of root canal treatment

    What is the recovery time?

    Most patients see immediate relief from their symptoms and are fine completely after the procedure is done. Some experience mild discomfort for one or two days after the procedure.
    Painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed to ensure a comfortable post-operative period.

    How to prevent getting Root canal Treatment done?

    • Recognizing cavities at an early stage and getting fillings or sealants done for the teeth.
    • Keeping a check on the consumption of sugary food items.
    • Practicing good tooth brushing technique.
    • Getting Dental checkups done yearly or twice a year.